TypeTastic Ad Policy
Why do we have ads?
Our mission is to bring TypeTastic available for everyone, and that's why TypeTastic.com is completely free with ads. However, we’re very picky who we work with, and as a result our ads are always COPPA compliant. This ensures that our ads are child-friendly and responsible.
COPPA compliance
We only work with ad networks that are fully COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule) compliant. This ensures that the ads are appropriate content-wise and that the children’s personal data will not be collected. You can find more information from our Privacy Policy.
Report an ad
If you still see an inappropriate ad, you’ll be able to report it here.
Ad-free Choices for Schools
We know that many teachers prefer to go ad-free. To serve the needs of our TypeTastic community better, you can sign up and get a full access to 700+ ad-free TypeTastic Free Activities!
TypeTastic School Edition includes a fun and inspiring K-12 keyboarding curriculum along with a suite of teacher tools. Watch your students embark on a thrilling island adventure to collect words and letters in bright and exciting landscapes while becoming fluent typists.